Logistics Cloud

Logistics Cloud

We are happy to announce that you can now find Mytigate’s profile and services on “Logistics Cloud”. Logistics Cloud is a neutral data platform founded at the initiative of global industrial companies to structurally improve basic data exchange and thus increase the transparency of shipment flows in logistics. Mytigate was invited to be featured as a “Solution Provider” in the Logistics Cloud Solution Partner Space. Continued cooperation will allow the technical integration of Mytigate into the platform alongside other tools and services.
Please visit Mytigate in the Logistics Cloud Solution Partner Space at All Solution Partners: Mytigate GmbH (logistics.cloud)

If you would like to learn more about the Logistics Cloud, please visit their LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/company/logisticscloud/

Airfreight Pharma Digital Event

Airfreight Pharma Digital Event

The Airfreight Pharma Digital Event is an international virtual conference that includes the participation of experts and industry leaders from the entire supply chain. The purpose of this event is to discuss “how pharma handling has addressed the exigencies of medicinal products in the COVID-19 pandemic situation and what it means for the future”. In this conference, our Mytigate CEO will talk about the topic “Can procedural compliance in pharmaceutical logistics by air be reached through industry collaboration?”

We are looking forward to e-meeting you at the conference.

Mytigate Research Publication

Mytigate Research Publication

Blockchain is often presented as a disruptive technology that impacts multiple fields such as finance, supply chain management, and the healthcare system. This article, positioned in the innovation research field, aims at enriching the discussion about real use cases in the context of the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry. The work is presented as a multiple case study about two recent applications of blockchain technology, Pharma Ledger and Mytigate. Mytigate has conducted a proof of concept for blockchain application in cooperation with GFT Technologies. The PharmaLedger project has invested € 22 million in the design of a scalable, blockchain-based platform validated through reference use cases from the supply chain, clinical trials, and health data. Mytigate continues its commitment to bringing together such scientific collaborative efforts with industry leaders, and connecting academic and research knowledge to day-to-day industry needs.

To access the research publication, please visit: Volume 3 (2020-21) | Henry Stewart Publications